London Kalibari Community Centre Project

London Kalibari Community Centre Project

There are no suitable premises for the Hindu Bengalee community in the West/North West London and the Home Counties which can accommodate the services that address its social, cultural and spiritual needs. The objective of the Kalibari Community Centre project is to develop a permanent Community Centre to provide this accommodation.

The project will support the following main activities:

  • Social, spiritual and religious functions
  • Family counselling services
  • Music, dance, drama, art, literature and language classes
  • Yoga, meditation and self-improvement classes
  • Meeting facilities particularly for retired people and very young families


Efforts are being made to obtain external funding, but a significant proportion of the money will have to be raised from the community. London Kalibari has a cash fund of around £50,000 and pledges of some £50,000 have been received from Kalibari members.

The premises will be available to other groups within the local community for their social, cultural, artistic and educational uses. The centre will facilitate and encourage cultural and spiritual exchanges between the Hindu Bengalee Community and the other communities in the locality and thus provide cultural and spiritual enrichment for the wider society.